Our Team

Management Team

The co-op's management team are in charge of the stores’ day to day operations and it is their job to drive the co-op to fulfill our Ends. Virtually every initiative that management pursues in the course of a year is guided by an element of these policies. Click on the images below to email a particular manager.


Bruce Phlegar
General Manager
540-343-5652 ext. 9
Email Bruce

Elizabeth Wilson
Human Resources Manager
540-904-5700 ext. 2
Email Elizabeth

Chris Bartlett
Finance Manager
540-904-5700 ext. 5
Email Chris

John Bryant
Marketing Manager
540-904-5700 ext. 3
Email John

Tim Wilson
Store Manager, Grandin
540-343-5652 ext. 0
Email Tim

Jon Shup
Store Manager, Downtown
Email Jon

Elizabeth Good
Wellness Manager
540-343-5652 ext. 4
Email Elizabeth

Clark Foster
Produce Manager
540-343-5652 ext. 2
Email Clark

Heidi Garrabrant
Front End Manager
540-343-5652 ext. 0
Email Heidi

Nathan Kimmel
Center Store Manager
540-343-5652 ext. 7
Email Nathan

Matt Wooldridge
Deli/Bakery Manager
540-343-5652 ext. 1
Email Matt